Apron Rehabilitation
Tillamook Airport, Tillamook, Oregon
According to the US Climate Data, Tillamook Oregon receives on average 88” of precipitation a year, with the majority being in the form of rain. Even well maintain asphalt will be affected by constant rain overtime. All though the exact age of the apron pavement to be replaced is unknown, it was likely built as part of the original airfield construction in 1943.
This project will rehabilitate the apron as well as the construction of a new tie-in to Taxiway B1. Additionally, this project includes the installation of new aircraft tie-downs and the relocation of perimeter security fencing. Funding limitation allowed for only a portion of the ramp to be rehabilitated at this time. However, Precision Approach Engineering designed the project to incorporate the eventual rehabilitation of the entire apron identified in the pre-design work.