Terminal Vehicle Parking Expansion

Rogue Valley International Airport, Jackson County, OR

Precision Approach Engineering was selected for design, engineering and services during construction of a $2.6 million vehicle parking lot expansion.  This project was needed due to the fact that Rogue Valley International-Medford Airport has been on a trend of record passenger counts and during peak travel periods, vehicle parking space is at a premium.

The surface parking lot expanded onto an adjacent 6.5-acre parcel of land. One of the main objectives was to maintain continuity with the existing parking pay station. The associated improvements required some of the existing traffic patterns to be revised, expansion and rerouting of the terminal loop roadway, pedestrian access network, stormwater detention and treatment, landscaping, and lighting of the improvement areas. Additional elements include fencing, fiber optics, and communications upgrades.

There was minimal impact to the traveling public during construction because of exceptional prior coordination and ongoing communication with the Airport Authority, tenants and the contractor.