Hangar Taxilane Rehabilitation
Rogue Valley International Airport – Medford, Oregon
The Rogue Valley is known for its world-class recreating, from jet boat trips and fishing to hiking and mountain biking, and the Rogue Valley International Airport is the gateway to this adventure. As such, hangar space and use are always at a premium. This project is phase II of a larger project and rehabilitated the remaining 5 of the 11 taxilanes that will be completed between phases I & II.
The rehabilitated taxilanes were constructed or last rehabilitated prior to 1992 and have since exceeded their expected life. The construction elements included in this project entail demolition and the construction of taxilanes, improved drainage, and add new centerline markings. Portions of this project were ineligible for FAA grant funding, such as demolition and reconstruction of the hangar approaches from the taxilanes, and will be covered by other funding sources.
Detailed coordination with tenants was required during this project, and minimizing construction time was paramount as this construction impacted tenants’ access to their hangars.